In collaboration with La Fresque du climat, Biomim'expo offers you an exceptional experience by taking part in 2 mini "discovery" Fresques made during the event, an Ocean Fresque and a Biodiversity Fresque. These one-hour workshops will be short versions that will give you a good overview of the full 3-hour workshops.

What is the Climate Fresco?

A fun, collaborative and creative workshop to raise awareness about climate change. It is based on collective intelligence and is extremely educational.

For what?

In a school, in team building, for the start of a CSR approach in a company, the launch of a climate plan etc.

How do we play?

In teams, you have to find the cause and effect links between the 42 cards of the game and thus co-construct a real "Fresco" of climate change.


The second part is based on creativity: the participants have to use colour, choose a title, leave key messages, draw, invent etc. This part is very important in the ownership process. This part is very important in the ownership process.

The Ocean Fresco ?

Inspired by "The Climate Fresco", the Ocean Fresco game raises awareness of ocean issues and the impacts of our activities on this ecosystem.

It is available in face-to-face and online formats and is aimed at all citizens, companies, local authorities, associations and schools.


The Biodiversity Fresco ?

The Biodiversity Mural is an inspiration of the Climate Mural adapted to the 6th mass extinction. Understand in 45 maps biodiversity, its ecosystem services, the impact of human species, the 5 major pressures, the mechanisms of collapse and possible solutions!



Guillaume Gautier,

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