Since its launch in September 2013, Socialter has been defending a different vision of the economy, focused on change and mutations, combining a critical approach with a desire to act.

Through our bimonthly print magazine and website we promote innovations and models that have a positive impact on the environment and society, we give voice to thinkers on contemporary issues, and we decipher alternative solutions led by entrepreneurs of change.

Our aim is to inform, inspire and mobilise committed citizens.

With a team of some forty freelance journalists in France and around the world, Socialter has become the voice of a new generation of actors and echoes contemporary challenges: the (truly) collaborative economy, social innovation, ecological transition, sustainable lifestyles, CSR, open source, etc. We intend to provide readers with a solid critical tool for understanding society, while highlighting initiatives, models and struggles that arouse the desire to act in favour of a just world that respects ecosystemic balance.

In each issue, a major dossier provides an in-depth analysis of a topical issue: "The Night, an endangered space", "The ecological cost of the energy transition", "They want Uber's money", "Is the Internet going to destroy the planet", "The wave of neo-craftsmen versus stupid jobs", "Corporate hacking", "Is a car-free city possible?", "How to fight against programmed obsolescence", "Creativity, capital in the 21st century?...)

We regularly publish special issues and supplements ("Moi, Freelance", "Zéro Déchet, la réduction s'organise", "Finance responsable et innovante", "Idée collaborative"...).

On the strength of its success, Socialter now has a circulation of 45,000 copies every two months and reaches a wide audience in search of meaning and new models.



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