With the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems, inspired by human vision and built on the foundation of neuromorphic engineering.

PROPHESEE is the revolutionary system that gives Metavision to machines, revealing what was previously invisible to them.

Prophesee is the inventor of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems.

Inspired by human vision, Prophesee’s technology  uses a patented sensor design and AI algorithms  that mimic the eye and brain to reveal what was invisible until now using standard frame-based technology.

Prophesee’s machine vision systems open new potential in areas such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, IoT, security and surveillance, and AR/VR. One early application was in medical devices that restore vision to the blind.

Prophesee’s technology is fundamentally different from the traditional image sensors – it introduces a paradigm shift in computer visionevent-based vision.

Intervention de Guillaume Butin à Biomim’expo 2019 :

La planche Biomim’review :

Other releases :

BFM Business 26 FEV 2020 : Sony entre au capital du français Prophesee pour aller plus loin dans la vision artificielle

Techniques de l’ingénieur 18 MAR 2020 : Prophesee met au point des capteurs de vision neuromorphique

Les Echos Entrepreneurs 28 OCT 2019 : Prophesee sécurise 25 millions d’euros et déploie ses capteurs dans l’industrie

La Tribune 28 OCT 2019 : La deeptech Prophesee lève 25 millions d’euros pour donner la vue aux aveugles et aux machines

Le Figaro 28 OCT 2019 : Prophesee lève 25 millions et affiche de nouvelles ambitions

VB 28 OCT 2019 : Prophesee raises $28 million for machine vision sensors that mimic the human eye

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Contact :

Guillaume Butin | Marketing Communications Director | +33 (0) 6 63 87 26 39




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La page-portrait dans le Biomim’BOOK 2019 :

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